
Friday, May 23, 2014

Summer is coming and so are the Renaissance Fairs! Part II

It's been a while since I posted last. I have been busy sewing almost nightly, but now that the nicer weather is here, I have other projects around the house and yard that I need to work on. I ended up making two different Elizabethan shifts - one with a low, square neck and one with a high neck and ruffled collar. I used the Elizabethan Smock Pattern Generator for the first shift which is here...and the smock pattern from The Tudor Tailor for the second one, although I'm sure I could have made the second type using the smock pattern generator as well. I also made a partlet. I attempted a little blackwork embroidery on the first shift and on the partlet, but I wasn't overly thrilled with the way it turned out.

I then made a coif, also from The Tudor Tailor, from linen and millinery wire, then I made a little Italian bonnet-type hat. I can either wear the coif alone or with the hat. The hat was pretty easy to make, and I drafted my own pattern.

Now I have to work on the outerwear! I can't decide if I want to make a doublet and skirt, or if I want to make a kirtle...I love all of the fancy court dresses, but I think I want to go for something more middling class.

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